General overview
Displaying core authors 361-380 of 398. Sorted by ResearchGate Score, decreasingly.
Name Online presence Google Scholar Expand ResearcherID Expand ResearchGate Expand Mendeley Expand Twitter Expand
Citations H Index Citations H Index RG Score Downloads Readers Followers Tweets Followers
Elena Kabakova (Елена Кабакова) 252NANA----
Haydar Yalcin 252------
Christopher Erdmann 244----7648
Jan Maluleka 232------
Raja S 222------
Philippe Mongeon 222NANA--827
Alvaro Roldán López 221-----20
Jill Lagerstrom 203-----3
Held Barbosa de Souza 181------
Maryam Keshvari 152------
AK Sahu 1511596648----
Soyoung Yu 133------
Koteppa Banateppanvar 122------
S Aswathy 82------
Susana Sánchez -Gil 72------
Gireesh A. Ganjihal 61------
Liliia A. Luparenko 62------
K.P.S. Sengar 51------
P Ashok Kumar 52------
N.Tamilselvan 42NANA----
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- : There isn't a profile for the author in this platform.
NA : There is a profile for the author in this platform, but for some reason the indicator is not available.