General overview
Displaying core authors 1-20 of 398. Sorted by number of readers on Mendeley, decreasingly.
Name Online presence Google Scholar Expand ResearcherID Expand ResearchGate Expand Mendeley Expand Twitter Expand
Citations H Index Citations H Index RG Score Downloads Readers Followers Tweets Followers
Mike Thelwall 138406135933242.6424989742336
Zhigang Hu(胡志刚) 1427----24007
Nees Jan van Eck 2307258851632.0913441783-
Ismael Rafols 28072512481728.8638491425-
Kayvan Kousha 103117324926.16521913819
Philipp Mayr 7641453314.513465131128
Georgios Paltoglou 170815--19.193374124913
Guido Van Hooydonk 957157041327.0819121224-
Isidro F. Aguillo 207124294930.088060118134
Andrea Scharnhorst 1555223141224.778872100545
Chaomei Chen 95124317402034.65315799653
Ping Zhou 93513NANA22.761510929-
J Sylvan Katz 357221--23.4722508731
Xiaozhong Liu 1929----825-
Erjia Yan 8311633712--7813
Nader Ale Ebrahim 66115NANA25.773185377839
Álvaro Cabezas-Clavijo 4771456513.1852370383
Stefanie Haustein 67012134521.32171665873
Johan Bollen 539433----6549
Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez 156221214735.11285164113
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- : There isn't a profile for the author in this platform.
NA : There is a profile for the author in this platform, but for some reason the indicator is not available.