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Displaying core authors 1-20 of 132.
Sorted by date the author joined twitter, increasingly.
Name | Tweets | Followers | Following | Days registered |
Dean Hendrix | 2219 | 624 | 735 | 6429 |
Jenny Delasalle | 748 | 365 | 198 | 6378 |
Álvaro Cabezas-Clavijo | 5124 | 1373 | 268 | 6300 |
Stacy Konkiel | 7860 | 1428 | 731 | 6287 |
Kim Holmberg | 1640 | 439 | 175 | 6250 |
Mike Thelwall | 85 | 522 | 183 | 6165 |
Dean Giustini | 9481 | 1950 | 869 | 6139 |
Daniel Torres-Salinas | 1883 | 1193 | 3 | 6120 |
Georgios Paltoglou | 142 | 90 | 130 | 6113 |
Jason Priem | 5685 | 4200 | 608 | 6058 |
Rachel Borchardt | 4878 | 654 | 476 | 6045 |
Máxima Bolaños-Pizarro | 10 | 30 | 54 | 6044 |
Paul Wouters | 966 | 526 | 210 | 5957 |
Andrea Twiss-Brooks | 1459 | 89 | 55 | 5901 |
Claire Donovan | 982 | 406 | 366 | 5832 |
Valeria Molteni | 149 | 22 | 82 | 5825 |
Philippe Mongeon | 27 | 157 | 145 | 5782 |
Kathleen F. Bauer | 5 | 18 | 64 | 5777 |
Alexis Moreno-Pulido | 154 | 197 | 113 | 5770 |
Sada Bihari Sahu | 2 | 7 | 6 | 5769 |