General overview
Displaying core authors 21-40 of 398. Sorted by ResearchGate Downloads, decreasingly.
Name Online presence Google Scholar Expand ResearcherID Expand ResearchGate Expand Mendeley Expand Twitter Expand
Citations H Index Citations H Index RG Score Downloads Readers Followers Tweets Followers
Vicente Pablo Guerrero Bote 140621--27.198214--
Ronald Rousseau 957042NANA42.758066--
Isidro F. Aguillo 207124294930.088060118134
Magnus Gulbrandsen 164419--21.298012--
Peter Jacso 2712247801331.187869-1
Kevin W. Boyack 348325--30.667765--
Stefan Darmoni 207822--35.17368--
Ian Rowlands 3474347311724.536129-3
Qi Yu 756--21.156090--
Anthony (Ton) F.J. van Raan 920053--38.476014--
Carlos Olmeda-Gomez 299940414.845818-2
Bart Van Looy 362725--29.595406--
Kayvan Kousha 103117324926.16521913819
Rodrigo Costas 109516--25.99491133227
Antonio Perianes-Rodríguez 2909NANA14.244866--
José Luis Ortega 114516--26.784608--
Javier Ruiz-Castillo 235924NANA27.654582--
Rigas Arvanitis 107219--19.924439--
Jan Youtie 213322--31.814388-1
Anup Kumar Das 32211NANA13.364151105-
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NA : There is a profile for the author in this platform, but for some reason the indicator is not available.