General overview
Displaying core authors 21-40 of 398. Sorted by number of readers on Mendeley, decreasingly.
Name Online presence Google Scholar Expand ResearcherID Expand ResearchGate Expand Mendeley Expand Twitter Expand
Citations H Index Citations H Index RG Score Downloads Readers Followers Tweets Followers
Emilio Delgado López-Cózar 26972735493140436141
Sebastian K Boell (Böll) 2117--14.06164359925
Paul Wouters 186623--28.64237158537
Xuemei Li 4869NANA--51917
Zohreh Zahedi 1836--7.1831751635
Elena Corera-Álvarez 98913--22.2284904853
Nicolás Robinson-García 33611--22.85414746344
Juan Gorraiz 41611142726.539294513
Antonis Sidiropoulos 63710182612.2311954402
Jens Terliesner 1594NANA4.7369341212
Xianwen Wang(王贤文) 86215--21.739774068
Stacy Konkiel 695--3.9662138626
Daniela De Filippo 3501063415.288473773
Rodrigo Costas 109516--25.99491133227
Ricardo Arencibia Jorge 90514--22.2338623325
Evaristo Jimenez-Contreras 194622----33110
J. Carlos García-Zorita 31411----3232
Kathleen F. Bauer 6578333--3077
Pablo Dorta-González 31411114722.583811294-
Caroline S. Wagner 255321602925.71341728510
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- : There isn't a profile for the author in this platform.
NA : There is a profile for the author in this platform, but for some reason the indicator is not available.